When it comes to working systems ecological

I love the words for phenomenon meteorological

In particular the plethora of words for precipitation

They excite my brain and I do quiver in anticipation

For words that describe the liquid falling from the sky

And I am hard pressed to understand or even know why.

But there is something about the images that they convey

Of ancient antediluvian memories that do hold sway

And cause me to ponder this liquescent verbiage

Describing a pluviose event using such languid language.

The patter of plump raindrops on a metal roof in a pregnant May

The fat snowy flakes of powder white settling on a field of mounded hay

The quiet solemnity of a misty fog in a secreted sylvan glade

These words for me are like a respite from the Sun, a welcome shade.

(Adjective – marked by or regularly receiving heavy rainfall)