There are times that sleep is something I warmly welcome
To fall into the nestled, nurturing realm of peaceful dreams
To drift into a safe and pillowed world of unknown outcome
A soft and welcoming place of secure and tranquil scenes.

But there are other times when sleep is definitely not my desire
And with somnifuguous* intent I ward off those drooping eyes
Splash cold water in my face or think of enemies to invoke my ire
To suppress those cavernous yawns that start out as simple sighs.

When are these times I banish the persistent and nagging sandman?
When driving a speeding and hurtling car on a busy and frenetic highway
When studying for a final exam and I need every minute in order to cram
And when I’m entertaining friends late at night and they still want to play.

These are all fodna ddf zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ…

*(Adjective – resisting sleep)