Lychnobites of the world should all unite
Constantly working through the night
After all the others have laid their heads to rest
Their jobs require darkness of night to do your best
Like vampires you rise up in the dark
Attend to your duties and tow your mark
And then before the sun rises you go back to bed
And sleep through the day once the sandman has fled

There is an army of lychnobites plying their nocturnal trade
While we sleep away our troubles with thoughts in sweet serenade
Providing for our wants and needs and being of service
From policemen and waiters to workers in hospice
Third shift workers at factories and astrophysicists at telescopes
Diligently plying their trades in the dark of a forlorn hope
Without their dutiful service and sacrifice of solar rays
Their nights are fulfilled and they give us our days.

(Noun – A person who works or labors at night and sleeps during the day.)