The ubiety of certain places seem to have self-evidence
For the place where you live is obviously your residence
And places of notable and notorious reputation
That students learn locations of in most every nation
The Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and Machu Picchu in Peru
The Grand Canyon in Arizona and the temples of Katmandu
But all of these places will fade away in time and space
Eroding and corroding over eons they lose their ‘place’
But some things cannot disappear or go away
They persist where they are and will forever stay
Useful creations will always exist and stay where they are
Like the ones of our imagination that last forever as a guiding star
The equator and prime meridian encircle the Earth’s consistent girth
And as long as people exist and have places to go they prove their worth
For this they will persist and we will have an awareness
Of their exact location of and the persistency of a ‘whereness’

(Adj. — Ubiety is a word that means the state of being in a specific location at a given time. It can also mean the abstract quality of being in position, or whereness.)