Who is my delitescent self?
Not the public persona but rather the real and subtle self
Not the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram face but rather the internal, genuine authentic self
Not the ‘someday I want to be a’ person but rather the ‘this is who I am now’ self

Why do be hide from who we are?
Are we afraid to know the seeds and roots from which we grow?
Are we afraid to feel the love and hate which form just what we think is real?
Are we afraid to share the thoughts and feelings that expose the things for which we care?

Oh, to cast off this mantle of doubt and deception
To shine forth with the true internal light of love and worth
To uncover and banish the darkness that makes our true selves appear to vanish
To breathe, to bathe, to be in that radiant light of love and value

The delitescent* revealed.

*(Adjective – hidden, obfuscated)